Getting 100% involvement from our Phoenix Families
At WYMLA PTSA, we understand your time is valuable. We also recognize ours is a very small community. The saying "it takes a village" has never been more appropriate than it is right now. It is going to take more parent/teacher cooperation in this 2020-2021 school year than ever before as we navigate getting back to school.
Please join us and check out our spirit wear via MemberHub. Click the link below.

Leaders Seeking Leaders
The nominating committee works year-round to ensure the WYMLA PTSA has a group of highly-qualified board members to serve as the board members and chair the committees. To ensure transparency, continuity, and stability, the team will seek out potential new board members throughout the year.
We have immediate needs for:
Fundraising committee members
Grant writers
Nominating committee member
Advocacy committee members